Contour Exporter

Installation and Activation

Installation Contour Exporter can be run on the three major operating systems - Windows, MacOS, and Linux. The installation process is broadly the same for each operating system, however specific installation instructions are detailed here. Windows Radiation Analytics is a verified software publisher for the purposes of distributing software for use on the Windows operating system. When you run the Contour Exporter installer for the first time, you should will be prompted with a security screen that will feature the Radiation Analytics company name. Read more...

General Settings

Appearance Options Appearance options for all contours can be controlled here. changes to the colour opacity here will effect all contours equally. Use these settings to quickly set all contours to the same colour for example. To restore all contours to their original colour, click on the reset button next to the colour selection button. Visibility The visibility checkboxes in the All Contours section turn on and off the mesh faces and wireframes, and contours for all regions of interest in the dataset. Read more...

Generating Meshes

To generate surface meshes from the contours in your DICOM RT file, choose Generate Meshes from the main menu. Here you can choose which contours you would like to generate meshes for. And previously generated meshes are overwritten, but it is quick and easy to regenerate them if you need to. Tick the boxes next to the contours you want meshes for, and click on generate. When this is finished (it only takes a few seconds), you can close this dialog, and see and interact with your meshes in the 3D viewport. Read more...

Exporting Meshes

Export Settings Once you have generated some meshes, you can export them in various plain text file formats including STL, PLY, OBJ, GDML, and DXF. Choose the file format that best suits your use. STl, PLY and OBJ files are most commonly used for 3D printing. DXF may be more suited to CAD applications. Only contours that have meshes are made available in this window for export. Choose the meshes you want to save, along with your target file format, and click on Export. Read more...


The preferences dialog, which can be accessed from the main menu, allows you to set the which visual elments are shown by default, as well as the projection of the 3D viewing area. It is also possible to set the level of zoom applied to the user interface. This is useful if you are using a high resolution montior, or a tablet. Rendering Options Enabling the rendering options checkbox shows advanced features for controling how transparent features in the 3D viewing area are drawn on the screen. Read more...